3 signs indicating that this is not the long term job of your life

Employment is a necessity for most of the people and one has to do many jobs is their life for a living. But at the early stages of your employment when you might have been graduated recently and probably landed your first job, you might have to go through some disappointing experiences which tell you that you do not want to carry on with your current job for a long period of time. Although some people are lucky enough to get the first job they love while for others it is a matter of getting experience as no other great offer came to their way. Here are some of the signs which force you to do job search again and leave your current job:

The working atmosphere is not professional:

Often you are presented with golden words while negotiating your first job so that you can accept the offer but when you start the job you realize that the company is not professional at all. Some of the points which make a company unprofessional include;

  • ·         Staff not being punctual or most of the managers do not follow the time to work
  • ·         People are smoking in the office premises or lying in postures not suitable for workplace
  • ·         You are expected to spend your own money in order to travel for company purposes or make contacts via telephone and no reimbursement is offered
  • ·         Salary is not deposited in your account on time

You are deliberately given a hard time!

It is often expected that as a junior you might be given some responsibilities that you might find daunting in the beginning which is really normal. But if you are asked to do a lot of overtime or tasks that have nothing to do with your job description without even appreciation; it indicates that the company wants to earn more profit than paying you. They just want you to work like a donkey without rewards and such a company is not good for your health. Rude behavior from senior officials which keep on finding faults in what you do; also is another example that you chose a wrong company, as per the saying;

“When you are 25 years of age, choose a boss not a company”.

In other words, if your boss is not great for learning or won’t appreciate you for your hard work, you will always be disappointed.

There is no room for growth or the job fails to meet your career goals:

Everybody has some career goals and if you feel that your current job is not exciting you or training you to get necessary skills required to fulfill your dreams or in other words; you are doing same tasks every day, it means that you need to find a better workplace and a job which leads you towards completion of your goals. A great job in life makes you feel happy and satisfied; in pursuit of which people often keep switching careers so that their skills do not become redundant.